6:00 PM

7:00 PM 

Barn Hunt - Nov

Rose Dunn

8:00 PM

Barn Hunt​ - Run Thru

Rose Dunn




​​​On site Assistant Director of Training (ADOT): Mona Aasmul & Cher Lee  


Classes run Aug-Oct

​You must be a member and pre-register for these classes

* pre-registration required​​


Building B

Ring 1
Ring 2
Ring 3
6:00 PM

7:00 PM

Rally Run thru

Adv Beginners​

Becky Price

Small Agility Practice Ring*

8:00 PM

Rally Run thru

Obedience Drop-in

Smal Agility Practice Ring*


Building A

​Columbus All-Breed Training Club

Ring 1
Ring 2
Ring 3
6:oo PM

7:00 PM


Small open Ring


Cher Lee

8:00 PM


​Jeanne Buente

Small open Ring

7pm Bldg B -Competitive heeling: A class of competitive heeling footwork, heeling patters/drills, attention heeling, heeling scenarios,a look at common heeling mistakes/issues and figure eight training methods.

7pm Bldg B - Juniors: Tis class is an introduction in the many venues offered for dog and handler teams.  The class offers a sampling of mnay venues for the kids to explore including obedience, agility, barn hunt, conformation, and scent work to name a few.

8pm Bldg B - Novice:  An introduction to the sport of competiitve obedience covering the rules and expectations of the Novice classes with reference to the optional titling class, Beginner Novice.

* Any set-up/tear down is the resonsibility of members using the space and must be ok'd by DOT or ADOT before leaving.  Please remember to share the space!
