​​On site Assistant Director of Training (ADOT):
Daytime: Ann Leist
Evening: Kim Duda

​​​Orientation for Beg 
Classes run Nov - 13 - Jan 22

​You must be a member and pre-register for these classes

​* pre-registration required

Ring 1
Ring 2
Ring 3
5:30 PM

6:30 PM


7:30 PM

8:30 PM

Class Rosters are now posted in the Members Section on the Classes Tab

Building B

Outdoor Ring 1(Behind Bldg B)Outdoor Ring 2 (Behind Bldg B)
7:00 PM

8:00 PM



Building A opens at 5:45

*Class requires pre-registration - go to Sign Up Genious to sign up for class

$Juniors are welcom to attend this class

Building A

Ring 1
Ring 2
Ring 3
9:15 AM

10:15 AM

11:30 AM 

12:15 PM

6:00 PM

7:00 PM


8:00 PM



​Columbus All-Breed Training Club